Riding the Roller Coaster of Entrepreneurship

Snoball Editorial Team

Written by: Snoball Editorial Team | Snoball Editorial Team

Last Updated: Oct 8, 2024

Snoball Team

The Successful Life Podcast, hosted by Corey Berrier, is a go-to resource for professionals in the HVAC, plumbing, and roofing industries seeking insights on business and mindset. Each episode dives into strategies that help identify and tackle core challenges in these fields. In a recent episode, Corey sat down with Landon Taylor, CEO of Snoball, to explore the highs and lows of entrepreneurship. With years of experience and a resilient mindset, Landon was the perfect guest to provide inspiration and practical advice for entrepreneurs navigating the roller coaster ride of business.

Quick Inspiration

Throughout the episode, Landon Taylor talks about his entrepreneurial journey, shedding light on how he faced significant challenges, including the unpredictable nature of relying on external platforms and the personal struggles that come with running a business. His candid reflections and valuable insights offer a wealth of inspiration for any entrepreneur facing their own hurdles. Here are some of the most inspiring quotes from Landon during the episode:

Landon typing at his computer

  • "Success in business doesn't define who we are as a person."
  • "The journey is where you get most of the value, even when the journey is the toughest."
  • "You always come out the other side if you keep your eyes up and keep moving forward."
  • "Sometimes the hardest times teach you the most valuable lessons."
  • "You don't grow a lot if you live in a bubble. What are we here for if not to grow and learn?"
  • "It's okay to have cracks; everyone has them. It’s about finding the people who appreciate the realness of life."
  • "If your cup’s not full, how are you going to help others?"
  • "Having a bigger perspective on life helps in facing business challenges."
  • "Don't react emotionally to negative situations; it's about building emotional intelligence."
  • "Perseverance is built through facing adversity, and it's a choice we make every day."

Key Entrepreneurial Lessons from Landon Taylor

Landon Taylor is a seasoned entrepreneur who has experienced both the triumphs and challenges of building businesses. Over the past 14 years, he's started and sold two companies, giving him a wealth of experience in customer acquisition and business growth. However, it hasn't always been smooth. In 2019, Landon faced a major setback when Google’s policy and algorithm changes threatened to bring his business to its knees, forcing him to navigate a financial roller coaster. Despite these struggles, Landon persevered and went on to create Snoball, a platform that systematizes word of mouth marketing for home service companies. His firsthand experience with the stress and reward of entrepreneurship makes his insights particularly valuable. 

The Importance of Resilience and Faith

Landon emphasizes the significance of maintaining a long-term perspective, especially during challenging times. He shares how his faith played a crucial role in helping him navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. "Success in business doesn't define who we are as a person," Landon states, highlighting the need to find a balance between professional and personal life. His belief in something greater than himself has helped him stay grounded and focused even when things seemed bleak.

Landon Taylor profile picture

Landon Taylor

CEO @ Snoball


“Success in business doesn't define who we are as a person.”

He remembers a particularly tough time in his business when external changes significantly impacted his company. "It was rough. We were hanging by a thread for a number of months," Landon recalls. Despite this, he stayed resilient and kept moving forward, demonstrating that having a greater perspective on life can be a guiding force during turbulent times.

The Power of Authenticity and Vulnerability

Landon discusses the challenge of maintaining authenticity as a business leader while often having to wear different masks in different situations. He points out that many entrepreneurs feel the need to present themselves in a certain way, often hiding their vulnerabilities.

Landon's family

However, Landon has found that showing one's true self and being open about the cracks can foster deeper connections. "I think everybody wants to share those cracks," he says, suggesting that being real and relatable can make one a better leader.

He also touches on the difficulty of finding people who can be genuinely authentic with you, especially as a founder. "It's really hard to find that core group or even that one or two people that you can openly share with," he notes. This insight emphasizes the importance of building a network of trust and finding people who can support you through the good and bad in life.

The Journey Over the Destination

For Landon, the journey itself is more valuable than the end goal. He believes that the experiences and lessons learned along the way are what truly shape an entrepreneur. "The journey is where you get most of the value, even when the journey is the toughest," Landon explains. He acknowledges that going through tough times is painful, but it's those experiences that build character and depth.

The toughest moments in Landon’s career taught him perseverance and the importance of focusing on the positive, even when facing adversity. "You always come out the other side if you keep your eyes up and keep moving forward," he advises. This mindset shift from focusing solely on the destination to appreciating the journey can help entrepreneurs find purpose and motivation, even during challenging times.

Practical Action Items for Entrepreneurial Success

Throughout Landon’s career, he has developed key mindsets and taken strategic steps that have helped him navigate challenges and find success. These action items have proven valuable in his experience, and they might just work for you too.

Cultivate Emotional Intelligence

Landon stresses the importance of building emotional intelligence, especially when dealing with setbacks or criticism. Instead of reacting emotionally, take a step back, assess the situation, and respond thoughtfully. This approach has helped Landon turn detractors into advocates and handle negative situations with grace. By cultivating emotional intelligence, you can make better decisions and maintain positive relationships, even in difficult circumstances.

Megaphone Icon

Pro Tip:

Getting into a yelling match with a colleague, competitor, or customer is never helpful. Developing skills associated with emotional intelligence allows you to broaden your perspective and respond constructively to difficult situations.

Build a Support Network

Having a trusted network of people you can be vulnerable with is crucial. Landon talks about the loneliness that often comes with being a founder and the need for a support system. "It's hard to trust people to be genuinely authentic because so many people want something," he says. For Landon, his brother has become that trusted confidant. Find mentors, friends, or even a therapist who you can confide in. This support network can provide guidance, offer new perspectives, and help you navigate through tough times.

Cultivate a Positive Company Culture

It’s important to create a company culture where people genuinely enjoy being around each other. Landon mentions how his team has done fun activities together and maintains a positive, fun, supportive atmosphere. "You're with your colleagues as much as you are with your family. And if you can't enjoy their company, then, gosh, what are you doing?" he points out. By fostering a culture of camaraderie and mutual respect, you create a workplace where team members feel valued and motivated, ultimately leading to a more successful and cohesive business.

Landon and colleauges


Landon Taylor’s journey is a testament to the resilience, authenticity, and growth that come with being an entrepreneur. His insights on maintaining a long-term perspective, building emotional intelligence, and embracing vulnerability offer valuable lessons for anyone on the entrepreneurial path. Remember, the roller coaster of entrepreneurship is full of ups and downs, but it’s how you handle the ride that defines your success.

Connect with Landon and Corey

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