Home Service Referral Guide, Part 2: Advanced Strategies

Todd Jensen

Written by: Todd Jensen | Snoball Editorial Team

Last Updated: Aug 21, 2024


5 Advanced Strategies + Real World Examples

Referral programs are a goldmine for new customers. But if you really want to tap into their full potential, you’ve got to go beyond just the basics. In Part 1 of this series, we shared some solid advice from Christian Jones, our COO at Snoball, who’s been instrumental in setting up successful referral programs that have sparked over 200,000 customer conversations to date.

But we’re not stopping there. This time, we’re cranking things up a notch. In this article, we’ll delve into advanced strategies and real-world examples that will help you elevate your referral game to the next level. Plus, we’ll get Christian’s insights on leveraging multiple channels, offering smart incentives, and setting up your referral program for long-term success.

5 Advanced Strategies

  1. Spot Early Success Indicators
  2. Use Multiple Channels
  3. Turn Reviews Into Marketing Assets
  4. Make Payouts a Breeze
  5. Respect the Customer's Journey

Taking your referral program from good to great isn’t about working harder — it’s about working smarter. It’s about understanding what makes your customers tick, using every tool at your disposal, and turning your satisfied customers into your most powerful marketing allies. By focusing on key success indicators, expanding your referral channels, turning reviews into marketing assets, ensuring prompt payouts, and respecting the customer journey, you can create a referral engine that drives continuous growth.

Let’s break down these advanced strategies that can supercharge your word of mouth marketing.

1. Spot Early Success Indicators

The early signs of success in a referral program can be subtle but telling. Catching them quickly can make all the difference between a program that thrives and one that fizzles out. Christian Jones offers this insider tip: "Within about 25 minutes of launching a referral program, I can usually tell if it’s going to be a hit."

Key Indicators

  • Customer Sentiment: Happy customers are your best bet for referrals. If they’re responding positively to your outreach, you’re on the right track.
  • Response Rate: Even if customers aren’t dishing out referrals right away, engagement with your messages indicates interest, which is a win.
  • Repeat Referrals: A high rate of repeat referrals is a strong indicator that your program is resonating with your audience.

Christian explains it best: "The first sign of success is whether customers are happy to hear from you. The number one factor toward a successful referral program is whether your customers like you because if they do, they’ll want to refer you."

How Snoball Helps

  • Sentiment Analysis: Snoball’s platform includes tools for gauging customer sentiment, helping you assess how likely they are to refer.
  • Engagement Tracking: With Snoball, you can monitor engagement metrics, such as response rates, allowing you to tweak your strategy in real time.
  • Repeat Referral Management: Snoball makes it simple to track and reward repeat referrers, ensuring you can quickly identify and nurture your top advocates.

2. Use Multiple Channels

If you’re only using one channel to ask for referrals, you’re leaving money on the table. Christian points out, "Text isn’t the only medium for getting referrals from your customers. Snoball helps companies get referrals from a variety of sources, making it easier to reach customers where they’re most comfortable."


  • QR Codes: QR codes are an underutilized tool that can drive referrals effortlessly. Place them on leave-behinds like brochures, business cards, and invoices, or in strategic locations.
  • Email Campaigns: While text messaging is effective, pairing it with personalized email outreach can capture those who prefer a more formal or detailed approach.
  • Social Media: Encourage your customers to share referral links on their social media platforms. This not only increases your reach but also taps into your customers' networks in a personal way.
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Real-World Example

New City Moving has mastered the art of multi-channel outreach. They use QR codes on leave-behinds and in storage facilities to capture referrals. But they don’t stop there — they also transform the reviews they receive into engaging social media posts, embed them on their website, and even highlight average star ratings in their email signatures.

How Snoball Makes Multi-Channel Outreach Better

  • QR Code Generation: Snoball can generate unique QR codes for a variety of marketing materials, making it easy for customers to refer friends and family with just a scan.
  • Integrated Campaigns: With Snoball, you can manage and integrate text, email, and social media campaigns from one platform, ensuring your message is consistent across all channels.
  • Social Media Integration: Snoball’s built-in tools make it easy to share and promote referral campaigns on social media, helping you reach a wider audience without additional effort.

3. Turn Reviews Into Marketing Assets

Reviews are more than just feedback — they’re powerful marketing tools. Christian sums it up perfectly: "A review is a referral. It’s a customer saying, ‘Hey, I love these guys, and I recommend them.’" Turning these endorsements into tangible marketing assets can amplify your brand’s credibility and reach.


  • Social Media Posts: Positive reviews can be transformed into engaging social media content. These posts serve as mini-testimonials that can be shared across platforms to build trust and encourage new customers to try your service.
  • Website Embeds: Embed your best reviews on your website. Prospective customers who see real, positive experiences from others are more likely to trust your brand and convert.
  • Email Signatures: Why not use every email as an opportunity to showcase your best reviews? Highlighting them in your email signatures ensures that every communication reinforces your brand’s credibility.
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Real-World Example

PowerSol USA doesn’t let positive reviews gather dust. They maximize the impact of their reviews by embedding them across various platforms, including their website, physical pop-up banners, and social media. They also feature their average star ratings in their email signatures, ensuring that potential customers see their quality service at every touchpoint.

How Snoball Makes Review Utilization More Effective

  • Review Collection and Display: Snoball helps you collect and display reviews on Google and BestCompany.com, boosting your online reputation and making it easier for new customers to find you.
  • Social Media Sharing: Snoball’s platform simplifies the process of sharing reviews on social media, helping you reach a wider audience with minimal effort.
  • Marketing Asset Creation: With Snoball’s customizable tools, you can turn reviews into a variety of marketing assets, such as social media posts, website embeds, and email signature highlights, all designed to boost your brand’s visibility.

4. Make Payouts a Breeze

Prompt and accurate payouts aren’t just nice-to-haves — they’re essential for keeping your referral program healthy and encouraging repeat referrers. Christian notes, "30% of referrals come from repeat referrers. Ensuring these referrers are paid promptly and correctly encourages them to continue referring."


  • Automate Payouts: A reliable system for automating the tracking and payout of incentives is crucial. It ensures that you never miss a payment and that your referrers are rewarded on time.
  • Transparent Communication: Keep your customers in the loop about the status of their referrals and when they can expect their payouts. Transparency builds trust and encourages more referrals.
  • Prompt Payments: Timely payouts are not just about maintaining good relationships—they’re about building a reputation for reliability. If customers know they’ll be paid promptly, they’re more likely to refer again.
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Pitfall to Avoid

Missing payouts can sabotage your referral program and deter future referrals. "Companies are sabotaging their referral program when they are not fulfilling on their end of the bargain and not paying out promptly and accurately," warns Christian.

How Snoball Simplifies Payouts

  • Automated Tracking and Payouts: Snoball handles the entire process of tracking and paying out incentives, ensuring accuracy and timeliness. This automation frees you up to focus on growing your program rather than managing payments.
  • Transparent Reporting: With Snoball, you get clear reports on referral status and payouts, so you and your customers are always informed. This transparency is key to building trust and encouraging ongoing participation.
  • Scalable Solutions: Whether your program is just starting out or already a massive operation, Snoball’s platform scales to meet your needs, ensuring that all referrers are rewarded appropriately.

5. Respect the Customer’s Journey

Each customer’s journey is filled with ups and downs, and understanding when to ask for a referral can make all the difference. Timing, context, and customer sentiment are crucial. Christian emphasizes, "Timing your ask appropriately within the customer’s lifecycle is key."


  • Appropriate Timing: Asking for a referral at the wrong time can backfire. For example, avoid asking immediately after a service when the customer might still be dealing with stress or unresolved issues.
  • Follow-Up: Instead of asking for a referral right away, check in with your customers after the service to ensure they’re satisfied. A well-timed follow-up can pave the way for a successful referral request.
  • Customer Segmentation: Not all customers are the same, and neither should your referral asks be. Tailor your referral requests based on different customer segments and their specific journeys to ensure they’re well-received.
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Real-World Example

New City Moving is patient when it comes to asking for referrals. They wait a few days after a move to reach out, ensuring everything went smoothly before introducing their referral program. Their message also includes a friendly check-in, making the ask feel more natural and considerate.

How Snoball Enhances Customer Journey Management

  • Customized Timing: Snoball allows you to customize the timing of referral asks based on customer data and key milestones, ensuring you’re asking at the right time.
  • Ongoing Engagement: Snoball’s platform supports continuous engagement with your customers, helping you maintain a positive relationship throughout their lifecycle and increasing the chances of a successful referral.
  • Segmented Campaigns: Easily segment your customer base and tailor referral campaigns to different customer journeys with Snoball’s advanced tools. This ensures that each customer receives a personalized experience that resonates with their specific needs and preferences.

Specific Action Items to Maximize Your Referral Program

Now that you’ve got the strategies down, it’s time to put them into action. Here are some practical steps you can take right now to enhance your referral program and drive better results:

  • Monitor Early Indicators: Use Snoball’s sentiment analysis and engagement tracking tools to gauge early success indicators and adjust your strategy accordingly. By catching these signals early, you can pivot as needed to ensure your program is on the right track.
  • Utilize Multiple Channels: Don’t limit yourself to just one method of outreach. Implement QR codes, email campaigns, and social media outreach through Snoball’s integrated platform to maximize your program’s reach and effectiveness.
  • Leverage Reviews as Marketing Assets: Reviews are a goldmine for content. Convert positive reviews into social media content, website embeds, and email signature highlights using Snoball’s customizable tools. This not only boosts your credibility but also keeps your brand top-of-mind.
  • Automate and Ensure Proper Payouts: Set up automated tracking and payout of incentives with Snoball to ensure prompt and accurate payments. This builds trust with your referrers and encourages them to keep participating.
  • Respect Customer Preferences and Journeys: Timing is everything. Use Snoball to tailor referral asks based on customer data and milestones, ensuring you approach customers at the right time and in the right way. This personalized approach will make your referral requests feel more natural and welcome.

Maximize Referral Program Success

Maximizing the success of your referral program isn’t just about checking boxes — it’s about creating a dynamic system that grows and evolves with your business. By monitoring early indicators, leveraging multiple channels, turning reviews into marketing assets, ensuring proper payouts, and respecting the customer’s journey, you can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your referral program.

Christian Jones profile picture

Christian Jones

COO @ Snoball


"A successful referral program requires continuous engagement and strategic implementation."

As Christian Jones concisely puts it, "A successful referral program requires continuous engagement and strategic implementation." By following these advanced strategies and leveraging the capabilities of the Snoball platform, you can transform your referral program into a powerful engine for growth. It’s not just another marketing tactic — it’s a strategic tool that harnesses the power of word of mouth marketing to bring in new customers and strengthen your business.

With the right approach, your referral program can become one of your most valuable assets, turning satisfied customers into enthusiastic advocates for your brand. And with Snoball’s support, you’ll have everything you need to build a referral program that doesn’t just work — it thrives.

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