10 Tips to Get Customers to Leave Reviews [+ Templates]

Tori Barrington

Written by: Tori Barrington | Snoball Editorial Team

Last Updated: Aug 28, 2024


10 tips & 5 templates to get reviews

To understand how to get customers to leave online reviews, let’s take a step back and look at it from their perspective. Take off your business hat for a second and replace it with your consumer hat.

When was the last time you left a positive online review? Unless you’re a review-everything kinda person, chances are it’s been a minute. Is it because you haven’t had a positive experience with a company in a long time? Have you not eaten at a good restaurant or ordered a good product from Amazon in the last several months? Of course you have!

So why haven’t you left an online review? It’s probably because you’re simply happy. You’re satisfied with the experiences and products—not angry enough to write a bad review and not life-changing enough to write a raving review.

But I bet if a company asked you to leave them a review, you would! And because you’re satisfied, it would probably be a great 4- or 5-star review.

Two women leaving a review at a coffee shop

There you have it folks. The key to getting customer reviews is to ask! Odds are your customers are happy, but they’re not leaving reviews unprompted. 

So prompt them!

Let’s go over a few best practices when asking for reviews from your customers, and then we’ll even look at some templates you can start with.

10 Review Request Best Practices

If you treat your customers right, there’s a good chance they’re willing to leave a review for your company. But asking for a review is still a part of the customer journey, so you need to continue to foster that positive experience throughout the review request process. To help you navigate this, here are ten best practices for requesting reviews from your customers, ensuring you maintain that positive experience while successfully collecting genuine feedback.

1. Ask at the Right Time

Timing is so important! Request reviews when your customers are at their happiest in their journey with your company, such as immediately after a successful service or purchase. This increases the likelihood of receiving positive feedback and capitalizes on the customer's peak satisfaction.

In the book Using Behavioral Science in Marketing, Nancy Harhut explains, “What scientists have found is that when people are in a ‘hot state,’ driven by…a strong emotion such as anger or awe, they act in a way that addresses that immediate feeling.” To use this principle to your advantage, you’ll want to ask people for a review right as they are in that “hot state,” like when they are excited immediately after having received your product or service, and they’ll be more likely to act and leave a review.

Nancy Harhut profile picture

Nancy Harhut

Author of Using Behavioral Science in Marketing


"What scientists have found is that when people are in a ‘hot state,’ driven by…a strong emotion such as anger or awe, they act in a way that addresses that immediate feeling."

2. Personalize Requests

You should also tailor review requests to each individual customer. Use their name and make a reference to their specific experience to make the request feel sincere. This personalized approach shows that you value them as an individual and encourages them to share their thoughts.

3. Simplify the Process

Make it as easy as possible for customers to leave reviews! Include direct links to review sites, like Google or BestCompany.com, and minimize the steps they need to take. The simpler the process, the more likely they are to follow through.

4. Follow Up

If a customer doesn’t respond to your first request, don't give up. Follow up with gentle reminders to keep the conversation going. But remember, this engagement is still part of the customer’s experience, so don’t spam them! 

In fact, your follow up email or text doesn’t need to mention reviews at all; make it conversational. Tricia Drake, a professional EOS implementer from EOS Worldwide, taught, “One thing that I think goes by the wayside is contacting your customer when nothing is wrong. And you don't need anything from them. And so I think that's really key in keeping your customers…and making sure that they are long term customers to say, ‘Hey, we're just reaching out. How are you? What can we help with? We want to make sure that everything is going well.’”

Tricia profile picture

Tricia Drake

EOS Implementer @ EOS Worldwide


"People are okay with seeing vulnerability in business and business owners."

It’s not asking for a review over and over again that will lead to the customer writing a review—it’s the relationship you build with them.

5. Offer Incentives

In addition, consider offering small incentives, such as discounts or loyalty points, to encourage customers to leave reviews. Just be careful that these incentives do not influence the honesty of their feedback. Ethical incentives can motivate customers to take the time to share their experiences.

For example, my family ate out at a BBQ restaurant last week, and they offered us a free dessert if we left them a review on Yelp. That was a very easy decision and the dessert was delicious.

6. Be Transparent

Don’t be afraid to let customers know why their reviews are so important to you and how they help your business improve. Being straightforward creates trust and shows customers that their opinions are truly valued. 

Gmail app on a phone

7. Use Multiple Channels

It can be wise to take a multi-channel approach to requesting reviews. Different customers have different preferences, so reaching out in many ways—such as through email, text, and social media—increases the chances of receiving reviews.

8. Thank Customers

And don’t forget to always thank customers after they leave a review, regardless of whether it’s positive or negative. Showing appreciation fosters loyalty and demonstrates that you value their input. A simple thank you can go a long way in terms of building relationships with customers.

9. Promote Positive Reviews

As you collect positive reviews, share them on your website and social media platforms. Highlighting these 4- and 5-star reviews builds trust with potential customers and encourages more customers to leave their feedback. It also shows that you appreciate and recognize positive customer experiences.

10. Respond to Negative Reviews

Remember when I said that if you treat your customers right, there’s a good chance they’ll be willing to leave a review for your company? Unfortunately, even when you’re doing your best, customer complaints happen. And unhappy customers are also willing to leave a review for your company, because they’re upset and want to be heard.

Don’t be afraid of the negative feedback. Use this as an opportunity to fix and improve their experience. You never know; they might go from a detractor to an advocate if you’re able to help them. So, address any negative feedback promptly and professionally. Show that you are dedicated to improving your services based on their experiences and then do everything you can to solve their problem. 

By implementing these tips, you can effectively gather customer reviews that increase your brand's credibility and attract more customers. However, we know that writing out a review request is easier said than done. This is where having well-crafted templates can be incredibly useful. 

The Power of Templates: Streamlining Your Review Requests

Templates can be a very useful tool in your strategy for requesting customer reviews. They provide a structured way to reach out to customers, ensuring that each request is clear, professional, and aligned with your brand's voice. While templates offer consistency, don’t forget the importance of personalizing each message to make it feel genuine and specific to the customer's experience. As you get in the habit of asking for reviews from your customers, you’ll find this balance between efficiency and personalization.

Depending on the situation, consider whether it makes more sense to email or text the customer. Text messages are best for short, time-sensitive communications. They’re perfect for quick follow-ups and reminders since they have higher open rates and are normally seen immediately. Emails also have their place and are suitable for more detailed requests. 

Below, you’ll find five different templates to help you get started. 

Email Templates

1. Recent Experience Email

Use this template for customers who have recently participated in a service with or purchased a product from your company. This timing captures their feelings when they’re freshest.

Hi [Customer’s Name],

Thank you for choosing [Company Name]! We hope you enjoyed your new [Service/Product]. Your happiness is our top priority, and we’d love to hear about your experience.

Could you please spare a few minutes to leave us a review on [Review Platform]? Your feedback helps us improve and helps others make informed decisions.

[Review Link]

Thank you for your time and support!


[Your Name]

2. Milestone Celebration Email

This is ideal for long-term customers or those who have reached a significant milestone with your company, such as a one-year anniversary.

Hi [Customer's Name],

Congratulations on [Milestone]! We’re thrilled to have had you with us for [Time Period].

We’d love to hear about your journey with [Company Name]. Could you take a moment to share your experience by leaving a review on [Review Platform]?

[Review Link]

Thank you for being a valued part of our community! As always, please let us know if there’s anything we can do for you.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Text Message Templates

3. Immediate Post-Service Text

Send this shortly after the customer has experienced your service or bought your product to capture the customer's immediate reaction.

Hi [Customer's Name], thanks for choosing [Company Name]! We hope you’re happy with [Service/Product]. Could you please leave us a review on [Review Platform]? Your feedback means a lot to us and helps us improve! Let me know if you have any questions or we can help you in any way :) [Review Link]

4. Follow-Up Text Reminder

Use this template as a gentle reminder for customers who haven’t responded to your initial review request.

Hi [Customer's Name], just a friendly reminder from [Company Name]. We’d love to hear about your experience! Please consider leaving us a review. [Review Link] Thank you!

Mixed Communication Template

5. Email with Follow-Up Text 

Combine both email and text for a comprehensive approach. Start with an email and follow up with a text reminder if no review has been received.


Hi [Customer's Name],

You recently received [Service/Product] from [Company Name], and we’d love to know how we did! Your feedback is incredibly important to us, and we’d appreciate it if you could leave us a review on [Review Platform].

[Review Link]

Thank you for your time and input! Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


[Your Name]

Text Reminder:

Hi [Customer's Name], hope you received our email about your [Service/Product]. Just a quick reminder to leave us a review if you have a moment. And of course let me know if there’s anything we can do to help you! [Review Link] Thanks!

Of course, these templates will need to be customized for the specific company and its unique product or service.

And if you had a personal interaction with the customer during their experience with your company, don’t be afraid to customize the review request even more! For example, if you installed solar panels on the customer’s roof, you most likely interacted with them frequently for a couple of days. Use that experience in the review request! Customers are more likely to respond to a text or email if they know the person who is messaging them, so mention specific details to remind them how involved you were in their positive experience.

Image of two people chatting

Moving Forward

Remember, the key to obtaining reviews is to ask—and to ask thoughtfully. By following the ten best practices above, you can make sure that your review requests are well-timed, personalized, and straightforward. 

Whether you choose to communicate via email or text, or a combination of both, having a set of templates on hand can save time and make you more efficient. However, the importance of personalization cannot be overstated. Even with the best templates, each interaction with your customers should feel unique and sincere. By mentioning specific details about their experience and maintaining a conversational tone, you can make your review requests feel more genuine and less like a generic request.

Fostering a positive relationship with your customers goes beyond just asking for reviews. It involves continuous engagement, showing appreciation for their feedback, and addressing any concerns promptly and professionally. This holistic approach not only helps in collecting reviews but also in building long-term customer loyalty.

Need help streamlining review generation? Schedule a demo to see how Snoball can help!

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