Using Data to Enhance Customer Experiences with Alex Burkhead

Snoball Editorial Team

Written by: Snoball Editorial Team | Snoball Editorial Team

Last Updated: Sep 19, 2024


In a recent episode of the Snoball Effect podcast, we sat down with Alex Burkhead, co-founder of Moovsoon, a software company that uses data to enhance lead generation for home services. During the conversation, Alex talked about not only his professional expertise but also a glimpse into his personal life and passions. From his commitment to continuous learning and his deep-rooted passion for education to his strategic approach to data-driven marketing, Alex's insights offer a multifaceted look at what it takes to thrive in both personal and business endeavors.

Key Takeaways

  • Continuous Learning: Alex emphasizes the importance of consistently seeking new hobbies and activities to maintain an "always learner" mindset.
  • Organic Growth: By implementing systems to make it easy for customers to share positive experiences and by over-delivering on service, businesses can organically generate referrals and build a strong reputation.
  • Data Usage: Alex discusses how Moovsoon utilizes data to improve lead generation and decision-making in the home services sector. Feedback loops and iterative processes are valuable in refining marketing strategies.

Continuous Learning and Personal Growth

Alex's journey is marked by an insatiable curiosity and a commitment to personal growth, which he describes as an "always learner" mindset. Despite the demands of running a company and being a father to two young children, Alex makes it a point to explore new hobbies each quarter. "Every quarter, I've made it a purpose... to find a new hobby, a new activity, something to learn," he shared. This practice allows him to step outside his comfort zone, keeping his mind sharp and his creativity flowing.

Dad reading child a book

One of his recent ventures is writing a children's book, a project inspired by his children's multicultural daycare experience. Alex explained, "I thought there was an opportunity to... tell a story or two through holidays of other cultures." This creative outlet reflects his dedication to learning and his desire to pass on values of inclusivity and understanding to his children. His previous pursuits have been equally varied, from sourcing coffee beans in Guatemala to training for athletic events, showing his willingness to delve into new interests and gain diverse experiences.

This commitment to continuous learning also brings energy and perspective to his professional life. Alex finds that stepping away from his day-to-day responsibilities to engage in these activities provides a fresh lens through which he can view challenges and opportunities. "It's something that gives me a lot of energy," he noted, underscoring how personal growth can positively impact professional performance.

Secret to Organic Growth

Alex also gave advice about delivering exceptional customer experiences to drive organic growth. In industries like moving services where repeat transactions are rare, word of mouth marketing becomes crucial. "The priority of word of mouth marketing in the moving space specifically is huge… it comes down to a single transaction that's usually a large ticket item," Alex pointed out. Because of this, it’s important to create a memorable customer experience that leads to referrals and recommendations.

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Businesses need to have the right systems in place to facilitate word of mouth marketing. Alex advises companies to ensure their websites are clean, Google listings are up-to-date, and the imagery used is genuine rather than stock photos. "First and foremost, just have the systems in place, right? Just make sure people can find you, say good things about you," he said. This foundational work creates a solid base for generating positive word of mouth.

Beyond the basics, Alex advocates for profiling exercises to identify the types of customers that a business serves best. By understanding the profile of homes and demographics they excel with, businesses can tailor their marketing strategies to target similar customers. "Look at your CRM data… see what type of homes you're moving. See what type of demographic you tend to move," he suggested. This targeted approach can enhance the effectiveness of both outbound and inbound marketing efforts.

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Pro Tip:

Identify the demographics of your happiest customers. Creating this profile can help you target similar people in your marketing campaigns.

Finally, Alex highlights over-delivering in customer service. Simple actions like offering free moving boxes, showing up on time, and following up post-transaction can set a business apart and encourage positive word of mouth. "It's more investment, it's more commitment, but that's what gets people chatting," Alex expressed. This focus on exceptional customer experiences creates a lasting impression, helping to build a brand's reputation organically.

Strategic Use of Data in Marketing and Business

As the co-founder of Moovsoon, Alex brings a data-driven approach to the world of home services marketing. His company focuses on using data to help movers and other home service providers make better sales, marketing, and business decisions. "We do all things data when it comes to home services," he summarized. By gathering and analyzing property listing data, realtor information, and homeowner characteristics, Moovsoon enables its users to engage with potential clients at the right time and in the most effective way.

A key differentiator for Moovsoon is its feedback loop, which continuously refines the data to make it more personalized and actionable. "It's almost using a feedback loop to make your data more and more personalized to you and what you'll be successful with," Alex described. This iterative process not only enhances the quality of leads but also helps businesses understand what strategies are working and how they can be improved.

Alex Burkhead profile picture

Alex Burkhead

Co-Founder @ Moovsoon


“It's almost using a feedback loop to make your data more and more personalized to you and what you'll be successful with.”

In addition to the data, Alex also stresses clarity and trust in both branding and product development. He believes that a clear, straightforward product that customers can easily understand and use is just as important as a strong brand. "How clear is this to use? How clearly does this solve my problem?" he asked. By leveraging data and maintaining a focus on clarity and customer feedback, Alex and his team at Moovsoon ensure that marketing efforts are not just effective but also aligned with customer needs and expectations.

Advice for Aspiring Business Leaders

As the conversation drew to a close, Alex offered some valuable advice for aspiring business leaders and marketers. He emphasizes the importance of taking action and being open to feedback. "Get something out the door, ship it quick," he recommended. He recognizes that perfectionism can often hold people back from making progress, and by being open to feedback, individuals can learn, adapt, and grow more quickly. "If I'm not getting something out there, people aren't giving me feedback, I'm not going to learn much," he reflected.

A female mentorship

Additionally, Alex counsels up-and-coming leaders to find a mentor or advisor. Having someone to provide guidance, perspective, and support can be very helpful, especially when navigating the fast-paced and ever-changing world of business. "Having a sounding board or someone that's... just to bounce ideas off, take some direction from, it's a nice valve," he said. This advice, rooted in his own experiences, serves as a reminder that growth often comes from being vulnerable, seeking feedback, and continuously learning—qualities that Alex embodies in both his personal and professional life.

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