Understanding Snoball's Unique Approach to Word of Mouth Marketing

Todd Jensen

Written by: Todd Jensen | Snoball Editorial Team

Last Updated: Sep 5, 2024

Marketing Insights

Why are real conversations most effective?

In a world where trust is a key driver of business growth, word of mouth marketing (WOMM) has become increasingly vital for companies, especially in the home service industry. But WOMM isn’t just about getting your customers to talk about you—it’s about how you engage with them, nurture relationships, and turn satisfied clients into brand advocates. That’s where Snoball comes in. This article will explore Snoball’s unique approach to word of mouth marketing, focusing on how it works, what makes it different from other platforms, and the key features that set it apart.

What Is Snoball and How Does It Work?

Snoball is a comprehensive word of mouth marketing platform that automates and manages the processes of generating referrals, building reputation assets, and collecting customer reviews. What makes Snoball unique is its focus on personal, ongoing conversations rather than one-time outreach attempts. By leveraging a combination of automation and real human interactions, Snoball helps businesses create lasting relationships with their customers, leading to higher engagement and more effective marketing outcomes.

Davis, one of our Account Executives, puts it succinctly: “Snoball’s real key is the continuation of conversation. When we send that initial text to sponsor a conversation, we have real agents nurturing, discussing, and collecting feedback. This isn’t just about sending a message—it’s about building a relationship.” 

This ongoing engagement is crucial because it transforms a simple customer interaction into a meaningful dialogue, enhancing customer loyalty and the likelihood of referrals.

How Does Snoball Communicate with Customers?

Snoball primarily uses SMS messaging for customer outreach, capitalizing on the higher engagement rates seen with text communication. SMS messages are direct, quick, and easy for customers to respond to, making them an ideal medium for initiating and maintaining conversations. Email is also used when it aligns better with a client’s strategy or customer preferences. 

Davis highlights the effectiveness of SMS: “We choose SMS because it’s quick, simple, and tends to have the best success rates. Customers are more likely to engage through a text message than through an email or phone call. The fast and easy nature of SMS helps keep the conversation flowing, which is key to our approach.”

By focusing on the communication methods that customers prefer, Snoball increases the chances of engagement and positive responses.

What Makes Snoball Different from Other Platforms?

Snoball stands out in the crowded field of word of mouth marketing solutions by focusing on real, human interactions rather than relying solely on automated systems. While many competitors use automated drip campaigns that blast out one-time messages, Snoball emphasizes continuous, personalized communication. Our team of real agents engages with customers, crafting responses that are tailored to the customer's needs and the company's brand tone. This human touch not only enhances customer satisfaction but also increases the likelihood of receiving referrals and positive reviews.

Jonah, another Account Executive, sums up this difference: “The biggest thing that sets us apart is that we're having real conversations with your happy customers, using real people. In those conversations, we’re not just asking for a referral—we’re building a relationship, nurturing it, and ensuring that your brand’s voice is heard loud and clear.”

Key Features of Snoball

  • Referrals Module: Snoball automates the referral process but doesn’t stop at the initial outreach. Our agents keep the conversation going, nurturing customer relationships over time to ensure a steady flow of high-quality referrals. Research shows that more than 57% of referrals come after the initial request, underscoring the importance of ongoing engagement.
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Did you know?

More than 57% of referrals come after the initial request.

  • Reputation Marketing: By collecting and amplifying positive feedback, Snoball helps businesses build their online reputation. Reviews are turned into marketing assets that can be shared on social media, displayed on websites, and used to establish trust at every customer touchpoint.
  • Review Collection: Snoball facilitates the collection of reviews on key platforms like Google and BestCompany.com, increasing visibility and credibility. Video testimonials are also gathered, providing powerful, authentic endorsements that can influence potential customers.
  • CRM Integration: Snoball easily integrates with existing CRM systems, streamlining the management of customer interactions and ensuring that all outreach efforts are tracked and recorded. This integration makes it easier to manage customer relationships and ensures that no opportunities are missed.
  • Customizable Messaging: Businesses can set preferences for messaging tone, frequency, and content. This customization ensures that all communications align with the company’s brand values and do not overwhelm customers.

Jonah elaborates on the benefits of this approach: “We’re not just a tool that sits there—you don’t have to learn how to use it or integrate it into your existing processes. Once it’s set up, it’s Snoball’s responsibility to deliver results. It’s like having a full-time team member focused solely on word of mouth marketing.”

Why Real Conversations Matter

One of the biggest misconceptions about word of mouth marketing is that it can be effectively managed through automation alone. While automation is useful for scaling efforts, real conversations are essential for building trust and authenticity. Customers appreciate knowing that there are real people behind the brand, ready to listen to their feedback and respond to their needs.

Davis emphasizes this point: “People are blown away when they learn that we have real agents engaging with their customers. They’re used to seeing automated messages or chatbots. Knowing that a real person is having a conversation with their customers makes a big difference in how they perceive our service.”

Is Snoball Right For You?

Snoball offers a powerful and unique approach to word of mouth marketing by combining the efficiency of automation with the authenticity of real human interaction. Our commitment to ongoing conversations and personalized customer engagement sets us apart from other platforms, making us the ideal choice for home service companies looking to grow their customer base and enhance their brand reputation. Whether you’re looking to generate more referrals, build your online presence, or collect valuable customer reviews, Snoball has the tools and expertise to help you achieve your goals.

Want to facilitate better conversations with your customers? Let Snoball help! Schedule a demo to see what Snoball can do for your business.

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