Phil Kirkeiner on Navigating Business Success with Authenticity, Adaptability, and AI

Snoball Editorial Team

Written by: Snoball Editorial Team | Snoball Editorial Team

Last Updated: Aug 15, 2024


Phil Kirkeiner, co-founder and CEO of Baton, isn’t just an entrepreneur with sharp insights — he’s also a Dance Dance Revolution champion and an avid scooter enthusiast. In a recent episode of the Snoball Effect podcast, Phil shared how his unique blend of fun and business savvy has shaped his approach to success. During his journey of pioneering B2B referrals, Phil’s philosophy has centered around the power of authenticity, adaptability, and AI.

Key Takeaways

  • Authenticity: The key to successful word of mouth marketing starts with genuinely delighting customers. Phil believes in providing exceptional service that naturally encourages customers to speak positively about the business.
  • Adaptability: Phil discusses how being flexible and allowing situations to unfold can lead to better outcomes in both business and personal life. He highlights that not every issue requires immediate action and that sometimes, things resolve themselves naturally.
  • AI: Phil predicts that AI will become increasingly integral to customer service. In addition, he underscores the need for businesses to focus on creating trustworthy, human-centered marketing strategies that stand out in a noisy, AI-driven marketplace.

Embrace Authenticity and Build Human Connections

Authenticity in business isn’t just about being genuine — it’s about building a foundation of trust that fosters lasting relationships with customers. Phil said, “The number one strategy you can do is just do a good job for customers. That’s the core of it all.” For Phil, word of mouth marketing begins with delivering exceptional service that compels customers to spread the word. It’s this organic enthusiasm that makes word of mouth one of the most powerful tools in a company’s arsenal.

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Phil’s journey with Baton reflects his belief in the importance of authenticity. He shared a personal anecdote from the early days of his business, where he attended a major industry conference with nothing more than a t-shirt bearing his company’s name. “I just walked around and...just trying to see if this idea has legs,” he recalled. This raw and honest approach not only helped him gather critical feedback but also resonated with people who appreciated his transparency and willingness to admit that Baton was still in its infancy.

Building on this, Phil advocates for businesses to leverage their human connections. “People love that sort of authentic interaction,” he explained, noting that customers appreciate when a business is upfront and personable. This authenticity fosters a deeper connection, making customers more likely to become loyal advocates for your brand. As Phil pointed out, “If you’re just upfront with people and tell them that you don’t really know what you’re doing, sometimes they’re happy to help.” This mutual support is a cornerstone of successful word of mouth marketing.

Phil Kirkeiner profile picture

Phil Kirkeiner

Co-founder & CEO @ Baton


"You want to just make a really, really happy customer who doesn’t need any other incentive to talk about you."

Authenticity isn’t just a marketing tactic — it’s a fundamental business strategy. When companies focus on delivering excellent service and being honest in their interactions, they create a foundation of trust that encourages customers to spread the word. As Phil succinctly put it, “You want to just make a really, really happy customer who doesn’t need any other incentive to talk about you.”

Learn to Be Adaptable and Flexible

In business, the ability to adapt to changing circumstances can be the difference between success and failure. Phil’s journey with Baton has taught him the value of flexibility, both in operations and in mindset. He shared, “I’ve noticed that a handful of things, I just leave them alone. Things tend to go okay.” This insight is a reminder that not every issue requires immediate intervention; sometimes, allowing situations to unfold naturally can lead to better outcomes.

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Throughout his career, Phil has come to understand that businesses should focus on what truly matters, rather than trying to control every detail. He admitted that, as a self-described “people pleaser,” it was initially difficult for him to step back and let things play out. However, over time, he learned that not everything demands his immediate attention. “I have 500 unread messages in my texts and I have thousands of unread emails... and things are going okay,” he illustrated, showing how he has learned to prioritize effectively.

This mindset of flexibility extends to customer service as well. “Most people are pretty reasonable in business too,” Phil observed, adding that when businesses are upfront about challenges, customers are often willing to work with them to find a solution. This reinforces the idea that businesses don’t need to overextend themselves trying to prevent every potential problem. Sometimes, it’s better to address issues as they come and trust that customers will appreciate the honesty.

As a new father and CEO, Phil has also had to embrace uncomfortable decisions and difficult conversations. “It’s been great,” he said, acknowledging how these experiences have helped him grow both personally and professionally. For Phil, adaptability isn’t just about business strategy; it’s also about personal growth and the ability to navigate the challenges that come with leadership.

Leverage AI and Verified Trust to Shape the Future

As technology continues to advance, businesses must stay ahead of the curve to remain competitive. Phil sees AI as a game-changer in the realm of customer service, predicting that in the next decade, AI will become a standard tool for businesses of all sizes. “In 10 years, we’ll see almost every single business using AI for customer service for 80 percent of the things that need done,” he predicted.

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Pro Tip:

Take advantage of AI, especially for customer service purposes. However, don't forget to prioritize human connection and authenticity through verified trust signals.

Phil pointed out that even small businesses could benefit from AI-driven solutions, allowing them to offer a level of service previously reserved for large corporations. “Any company, no matter how small or large, could have a state-of-the-art customer service center,” he added, envisioning a future where AI-powered agents handle routine tasks, freeing up human employees to focus on more complex issues.

However, as AI-driven solutions become more widespread, the importance of verified trust signals, such as authentic reviews, will only grow. Phil thinks that in an increasingly AI-driven world, customers will rely more on these trust signals to make informed decisions. “People are going to rely more on trust and reviews to sift through the noise,” he asserted. Businesses will need to prioritize genuine customer feedback as a key component of their marketing strategies.

Phil suggests that while AI will undoubtedly play a significant role in the future of business, it will be the companies that combine technological innovation with authentic human connections that will truly stand out. 

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Take the Leap

Phil Kirkeiner’s parting advice to young entrepreneurs is a call to action: start now, be bold, and embrace authenticity. Whether you’re launching a new venture or stepping into an unfamiliar room, remember that you belong there and that the fear of failure is often worse than the reality. Phil’s journey — from scootering at skate parks to founding a successful business — demonstrates that the most important step is to simply begin. Don’t wait for everything to be perfect; get your ideas out there, seek feedback, and refine as you go. In a world where innovation and technology are constantly evolving, the real key to success lies in your willingness to take that first step and stay true to yourself along the way.

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