Blending Handwritten Outreach and Tech: Matt Young’s Innovative Approach

Snoball Editorial Team

Written by: Snoball Editorial Team | Snoball Editorial Team

Last Updated: Oct 3, 2024


We are so happy to have Matt Young on this episode of the Snoball Effect podcast! He is a tech enthusiast and self-proclaimed early adopter, known for being one of the first to try out the latest gadgets, like the Apple Vision Pro (even if they don't always live up to the hype). Matt started his own moving company during the 2008 recession and has been a hands-on leader in the moving industry ever since. In this episode, he shares his passion for blending technology with personalized customer outreach, specifically through the power of handwritten letters. He also delves into industry trends, discussing how businesses need to adapt to changing customer expectations and the evolving role of AI in marketing and customer service.

Key Takeaways

  • Personalized Outreach: Matt believes that investing time in personalized messages can help businesses nurture long-term relationships with their clients, which is especially important in service industries like moving.
  • Technology and Human Touch: uses real pen and paper to create handwritten letters. This approach allows businesses to leverage data and technology while maintaining a personal connection with customers.
  • Industry Changes: Traditional sales and marketing strategies in the moving industry are evolving. What worked a few years ago may not be as effective now, and businesses need to find ways to differentiate themselves.

Personalized Customer Outreach and Handwritten Letters

In an age dominated by digital communication, Matt Young offered a refreshing take on customer outreach with a personal touch. He’s a strong advocate for handwritten letters, something he sees as a dynamic tool to help businesses stand out in an increasingly impersonal world. "Everything is so surface level, text message, phone call, just not very personal anymore," he noted. By investing time in creating personalized messages for clients, companies can build long-term relationships. According to Matt, taking the time to handwrite a note can make a significant difference in how customers perceive your brand, setting you apart in a crowded market.

Megaphone Icon

Pro Tip:

Take the time to write personalized, handwritten letters to clients. It will build long-lasting relationships and set you apart from the competition.

Matt's company,, puts this philosophy into practice by focusing on personalized outreach in a way that’s both meaningful and effective. "We're a handwritten letter company," Matt said, emphasizing that they use real pen and paper to craft each letter. This isn't just about mass printing a generic message; it's about creating something that feels genuine and resonates on a personal level. Adding this personal touch can help businesses foster a deeper connection with their customers, turning them into long-term advocates.

The impact of this approach goes beyond just sending a letter; it's about the emotional connection it creates. Matt shared a compelling example: "We put his wedding photo on the front of his card... It's just incredible to see the result that he's gotten from this." This kind of personal storytelling adds a layer of authenticity and warmth that customers appreciate, making them more likely to engage and trust the brand. It's a simple yet powerful way to remind customers that there’s a human behind the business who values their relationship.

Examples of letters from
Image sourced from

Overall, Matt challenges businesses to think outside the box when it comes to customer engagement. Handwritten letters, personalized cards, or even a quick follow-up note can go a long way in making customers feel valued and appreciated, ultimately fostering loyalty and encouraging referrals.

Blending Technology and Human Touch

Matt is a fan of technology, but he stressed the importance of blending it with a human touch to create a more impactful customer experience., exemplifies this blend by using technology to support the creation and delivery of handwritten letters. They leverage data to identify when and where to send these letters, ensuring they reach the right audience at the right time. However, the letters themselves are crafted using real pen and paper, adding a personal touch that technology alone can't replicate. Matt further explained, "We still believe a lot in pen on paper and what that magic can do and the way it looks and feels." By using technology to enhance the process without losing the human element, Matt creates a unique customer experience that stands out.

Matt Young profile picture

Matt Young



“We still believe a lot in pen on paper and what that magic can do and the way it looks and feels.”

While letters are a good place to start, Matt advised, "You have to be omnipresent.” This means being active and visible across various platforms, from Google to social media, and maintaining a consistent and authentic presence. For example, Matt shared a compelling story about one of their customers receiving a handwritten letter, which sparked immediate curiosity and engagement. "I even asked a client... what did you do when you got our handwritten letter? He says, 'I opened it, looked at it, read the message, resonated, went on Google, looked at your Google reviews, and then I called you.'" This experience underscores the importance of a multifaceted approach—personalized outreach can grab attention, but using technology to have a strong online presence reinforces credibility and drives action.

This approach aligns well with Snoball's own philosophy of nurturing customer conversations over time to generate referrals and reviews. As Todd points out during the podcast, "I think this is such a good one-two punch between what you're doing and what Snoball is doing. We nurture these conversations over the long haul with our clients' customers and help them get reviews and stuff like that, and you're taking it to the next level in writing personalized messages." By combining the automated aspects of outreach with personalized follow-up, both Snoball and create a customer journey that feels both efficient and personal. 

Want to nurture conversations with your happy customers? Let Snoball help! Schedule a demo to see what Snoball can do for your business.

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Adapting to Industry Changes 

The moving industry, like many others, is in a state of flux, and Matt Young has a front-row seat to these changes. He has observed that traditional marketing strategies are no longer as effective as they once were. "What used to work a year ago, two, three years ago doesn't work today," he pointed out. The key to success now lies in differentiation and finding new ways to connect with customers. It's about constantly evolving and adapting to meet the changing needs and expectations of customers.

One of the trends Matt mentioned is the increasing importance of networking and community involvement. "I believe that 2024's biggest theme... is networking, knowing people in the community, being community-centric, bringing people up," he stated. In an era where people are bombarded with digital noise, building genuine relationships and fostering a sense of community can help businesses stand out. Customers are looking for more than just a service; they want to connect with brands on a personal level and feel like they're part of a larger story.

Two people networking

Matt also discussed the potential impact of AI on the moving industry. While he acknowledged that the industry has been slow to adopt new technologies, he sees AI as a game-changer. "I started pioneering it right when the beta of ChatGPT came out," he recalled. AI has the potential to automate certain aspects of customer service and outreach, making businesses more efficient. For example, he predicted, "I do see a future here within the next three to five years where maybe there's an adoption of a phone rep, once the voice synthesis comes down the line."

Despite the challenges facing the industry, Matt remains optimistic about the future. He believes that companies that are willing to adapt and innovate will thrive, even in a competitive market. However, Matt cautioned against over-reliance on technology, saying, "Maybe we're leaning on it a little too hard.” The human element still needs to be maintained in customer interactions. Companies that can blend the two effectively will be the ones that stand out and succeed in building lasting customer relationships.

Broaden Your Vision

In his final piece of advice, Matt Young emphasized the importance of not getting stuck in tunnel vision, a lesson he wishes he could impart to his younger self. He reflected on how he spent years deeply immersed in the day-to-day operations of his moving business, focusing on the immediate tasks at hand. While this hands-on approach helped build a strong foundation, he now realizes the value of stepping back to see the bigger picture. Matt urges others to broaden their vision, consider future possibilities, and remain open to new opportunities. Thinking beyond the present can lead to more significant personal and professional growth, allowing us to create a more profound impact in our industries.

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