Improve Your Sales Strategy With Best Company + SalesRabbit Solutions

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Written by: Snoball Editorial Team

Last Updated: Oct 24, 2023

Best Company recently partnered with SalesRabbit to provide companies with the tools they need to improve the efficiency of their sales process and increase the number of deals closed. 

In this article, we’ve highlighted ways Best Company empowers businesses to put their best foot forward through the use of reputation management tools and reviews, and how SalesRabbit sets sales teams up for success with innovative, easy-to-use technology. 

Empower your teams with the Best Company platform

Having a strong online reputation and a wide array of verified reviews from a third-party platform like Best Company can amplify your sales strategy and make your business stand out from the competition. Below, we’ve outlined how the Best Company word-of-mouth marketing platform can level up your company’s pitch before, during, and after the sales process.

Before: Establish trust before your sales reps make initial contact 

Today’s consumers often conduct research before they even speak with one of your company representatives, which is why it’s important that your company makes a good first impression online. Here are three ways you can use Best Company to do just that: 

1. Feature verified reviews 

While you may be collecting and featuring reviews on your own site, building up your reviews on a trusted and verified third-party platform like Best Company can help you establish greater credibility and trust. 

Each review featured on goes through a highly detailed verification process. Because of this process, your potential customers can rest assured that the reviews they read are not fake or ethically compromised. 

2. Respond to reviews 

As they’re researching your company, potential customers will pay attention to how responsive you are to customer feedback. With the Best Company for business platform, you can see and respond to all reviews directly from your company’s account. Once you respond to a review, your response is made public and includes a date.

When responding to reviews, it’s best to be as transparent and detailed as possible. Potential customers will not only pay attention to the frequency of your responses but will also notice the types of responses your team produces. 

3. Face negative feedback head-on

Although negative feedback can injure your business, it can also be used as a trust-building tool. When potential customers research your company, one thing they’ll notice is whether or not your business has negative reviews and how your company publicly reacts to that type of feedback. 

Consumers know that all businesses will receive some form of negative feedback, and the companies that try to hide all of that feedback from the public eye raise red flags. Best Company’s platform encourages businesses to acknowledge negative feedback and respond to it in an honest and transparent manner.

During: Encourage further research to enhance conversations mid-pitch 

Once you’ve taken the first step and established some level of trust through your company’s online reputation, the next step is to enhance your sales team’s pitch. One way to do this is to encourage potential customers to dig deeper with their research and actively read reviews on a trusted, unbiased site like 

This “don’t just take our word for it” strategy gives potential customers the opportunity to see what others are really saying about your product or service, and it proves that your company doesn’t have anything to hide from them. It also provides potential customers with an inside look into how your company reacts to both positive and negative customer feedback. 

During its pitch, your sales team can use your public review responses to 1) prove that your business is responsive to feedback and 2) answer commonly-asked questions. 

As you encourage consumers to research and read reviews about your company, your sales reps will have an easier time building trust and closing more deals.

After: Get the most from your happy customers post-sale 

Asking for reviews and referrals from happy customers should always be part of your company’s post-sale process. Although it can be easy to shift your focus to potential new customers, it’s also important that you pay attention to the customers who have had a positive experience with your product or service. 

With Best Company’s platform, you can run efficient review generation campaigns and get the most ROI from your happy customers. In addition to written reviews, Best Company can also help you collect video testimonials, which can make your sales pitch more robust, enhance your social media and marketing strategies, improve your company’s reputation, and much more.  

Win in the field with SalesRabbit’s next-level technology

Outside sales is no joke; knocking doors is hard enough without having the right technology, which SalesRabbit knows from experience. That’s why SalesRabbit has developed a solution for every problem you’ll encounter in outside sales. The 6 Step SalesRabbit model is designed to be with your team from lead to close of every deal.

1. Intuitive Lead Generation & Management

Sales teams lose leads all the time—not because they’re sloppy, but because they don’t have the right tools. This is especially true for outside sales teams that struggle because they’re using tools designed for inside sales teams. 

However, SalesRabbit’s lead creation tools, lead status stacking, and lead tracking and disposition allow you to find and create the right leads for you and sort through them for faster prospecting. SalesRabbit also gives you a route planning tool to help get you there faster.

2. Essential Team Management Tools

Managing outside sales teams used to require a significant amount of time and effort, but as a company, you have more important things to worry about. With SalesRabbit’s software, you can always stay on top of rep progress with leaderboards and analytics, easily draw and assign territories to reps, view area data history, message as a team, and intelligently track any of your reps.

3. Quick Customer Qualification

Everybody hates wasting time with unqualified customers, but everybody also hates how long the approval process can take. With SalesRabbit’s in-app solutions, like title and credit checks, your teams can qualify and verify customers on the go. Plus, it happens quickly enough that it won’t interrupt your sales process.

4. Built-in Presentation & Proposal Tools

First impressions are crucial, and your sales proposal is no exception. SalesRabbit helps you make the best impression possible by providing you with digital sales tools like video and PDF uploading, offline mode, a versatile sketch tool, and training material capabilities that digitize and legitimize your pitch.

5. Digital Forms & Contracts

The modern buyer participates in digital business, which means they’re much more confident and impressed with electronic deal processing. With mobile e-signature capabilities, synced customer data, and digital contracts that will minimize your transaction times, SalesRabbit helps give customers the best buying experience possible.

6. Integrated Data Transfers

SalesRabbit syncs with over 30 useful integrations that connect directly to your SalesRabbit account for easy access. Game changers like Salesforce, HubSpot, JobNimbus, and Solo are among the top data transfers that help save teams time and money. Plus, SalesRabbit offers custom integrations for customers.

Bonus: Additional solutions

While SalesRabbit is great at giving you everything you need to start and manage your outside sales team, the company also offers great add-on features that greatly improve what its app (and you) can do. 

If you’re looking to get ahead of your competition, this is how you’ll do it. DataGrid AI, Digital Contracts, Weather, Movers, and Boost are all features that help you perform past the standard with advanced homeowner information and targeted technology, bringing a whole new dimension to outside sales.

Start streamlining your reputation and sales process today

Join Best Company’s word-of-mouth marketing platform with SalesRabbit’s lead generation and management technologies and give your company the power to level up your sales process and enhance your company’s reputation at the same time. 

Start utilizing this tailored SalesRabbit + Best Company solution today to amplify your sales strategy and online reputation. 

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