
Review Customer ID

Post review data back to your CRM

Unique id that you include when requesting a review either through batch campaign or review request api


Overall star rating (0-5) of the review


Content of review


Star rating for value for money (0-5) if available


Star rating for quality of service (0-5) if available


Star rating for customer service (0-5) if available


Star rating for company trustworthiness (0-5) if available


Net promoter score (0-10) if available

Review Customer ID payload
    "type": "review-customer-id",
    "data": {
        "crm_id": 100,
        "star_rating_overall": 5,
        "review_content": "Everything was great.",
        "star_rating_value_for_money": 4,
        "star_rating_quality_of_service": 5,
        "star_rating_customer_service": 5,
        "star_rating_company_trustworthiness": 3,
        "net_promoter_score": 9

Referral Posting

Post referrals directly into your CRM. Requires Referral Module Subscription.

First name of person who was referred


Last name of person who was referred


Zip code of the referred


Phone number of referral


First name of referrer


Last name of referrer


Phone number of referring customer


Email of referring customer


Unique id that you include when requesting a referral either through batch campaign or referral request api


First name of the sales rep user that generated the referral if from a sales rep's personal request in app. If the referral request was a personalized company request either through a batch campaign or via the referral request API where a a salesrep_first_name was included, then that salesrep_first_name would be included here. Otherwise this parameter will be left blank


Last name of the sales rep user that generated the referral if from a sales rep's personal request in app. If the referral request was a personalized company request either through a batch campaign or via the referral request API where a a salesrep_last_name was included, then that salesrep_last_name would be included here. Otherwise this parameter will be left blank


Email of the sales rep who worked with the customer


Clarifies by which channel the referral was generated.....sales request, company request, reviewer, or Snoball


Unique ID from Snoball's system tied to that referral. This will be what is used in the Referral is qualified API and Referral became a sale API


If you have a promo setup in Admin Controls then this will be the title of the promo


If you specified a template ID at the time of requesting a referral or review then this will be that specified template ID that was used


Amount offered for this referral


Amount offered for this referral should it turn into a sale


The initial message the referral sends when they click Message or Text Me on the company interstitial page or rep profile page


The trusted_form certificate generated when referral was captured


The trusted_form token generated when referral was captured


This indicates whether the referral was shared by the customer or whether the referral submitted an inquiry through the customer's unique referral url.

Referral Posting payload
    "type": "referral-posting",
    "data": {
        "referral_first_name": "Alex",
        "referral_last_name": "Jobs",
        "referral_phone": "+15005550006",
        "referring_customer_first_name": "Lex",
        "referring_customer_last_name": "Smith",
        "referring_customer_phone": "+15005550007",
        "referring_customer_email": "[email protected]",
        "crm_id": 100,
        "salesrep_first_name": "Ben",
        "salesrep_last_name": "Gates",
        "salesrep_email": "[email protected]",
        "referral_source": "support request",
        "bc_referral_id": "98796159-8357-49eb-a55f",
        "promo_title": "Black Friday",
        "template_id": 1,
        "referral_payout": 10,
        "sale_payout": 20,
        "referral_message": "My friend referred me.",
        "trusted_form_cert": "https://cert.trustedform.com/823ba6cc357afa823ba6cc357afa",
        "xxTrustedFormTokenxx": "https://cert.trustedform.com/823ba6cc357afa823ba6cc357afa",
        "referral_type": "interstitial"

Support Ticket

Post customer support related questions to your ticketing system.

Name of the ticket.


First name of customer.


Last name of customer.


Phone number of customer.


Email of customer.


First name of the sales rep who worked with the customer.


Last name of the sales rep who worked with the customer.


Email of the sales rep who worked with the customer.


Last 6 messages between the customer and messaging desk. Objects include sender, date, and message body.


Unique id that you include when requesting a referral either through batch campaign or referral request api.


Comments added by the messaging desk to provide additional context to the ticket.

Sales Ticket payload
    "type": "support-ticket",
    "data": {
        "ticket_title": "Help with XYZ123",
        "customer_first_name": "Steven",
        "customer_last_name": "Williams",
        "customer_phone": "+15005550006",
        "customer_email": "[email protected]",
        "salesrep_first_name": "John",
        "salesrep_last_name": "Brown",
        "salesrep_email": "[email protected]",
        "conversation_array": [
                "sender": "customer",
                "date": "2023-12-20T09:15:00",
                "message_body": "Hi, I'm interested in your products. Can you provide more information?"
                "sender": "messaging_rep",
                "date": "2023-12-20T09:30:00",
                "message_body": "Certainly, John! Our products have various features. Which specific one are you interested in?"
                "sender": "customer",
                "date": "2023-12-20T10:00:00",
                "message_body": "I'm looking at XYZ123. How does it compare to ABC456?"
                "sender": "messaging_rep",
                "date": "2023-12-20T10:30:00",
                "message_body": "XYZ123 has advanced features compared to ABC456. Let me provide you with a detailed comparison."
                "sender": "customer",
                "date": "2023-12-20T11:00:00",
                "message_body": "Great! I'd appreciate that."
                "sender": "messaging_rep",
                "date": "2023-12-20T11:45:00",
                "message_body": "I've sent you an email with the detailed comparison. Please check your inbox."
        "crm_id": "12345",
        "ticket_comments": "This customer needs help with XYZ123."

Sales Ticket

Post customer support related questions to your ticketing system.

Name of the ticket.


First name of customer.


Last name of customer.


Phone number of customer.


Email of customer.


First name of the sales rep who worked with the customer.


Last name of the sales rep who worked with the customer.


Email of the sales rep who worked with the customer.


Last 6 messages between the customer and messaging desk. Objects include sender, date, and message body.


Unique id that you include when requesting a referral either through batch campaign or referral request api.


Comments added by the messaging desk to provide additional context to the ticket.

Referral Posting payload
    "type": "sales-ticket",
    "data": {
        "ticket_title": "Help with XYZ123",
        "customer_first_name": "Steven",
        "customer_last_name": "Williams",
        "customer_phone": "+15005550006",
        "customer_email": "[email protected]",
        "salesrep_first_name": "John",
        "salesrep_last_name": "Brown",
        "salesrep_email": "[email protected]",
        "conversation_array": [
                "sender": "customer",
                "date": "2023-12-20T09:15:00",
                "message_body": "Hi, I'm interested in your products. Can you provide more information?"
                "sender": "messaging_rep",
                "date": "2023-12-20T09:30:00",
                "message_body": "Certainly, John! Our products have various features. Which specific one are you interested in?"
                "sender": "customer",
                "date": "2023-12-20T10:00:00",
                "message_body": "I'm looking at XYZ123. How does it compare to ABC456?"
                "sender": "messaging_rep",
                "date": "2023-12-20T10:30:00",
                "message_body": "XYZ123 has advanced features compared to ABC456. Let me provide you with a detailed comparison."
                "sender": "customer",
                "date": "2023-12-20T11:00:00",
                "message_body": "Great! I'd appreciate that."
                "sender": "messaging_rep",
                "date": "2023-12-20T11:45:00",
                "message_body": "I've sent you an email with the detailed comparison. Please check your inbox."
        "crm_id": "12345",
        "ticket_comments": "This customer needs help with XYZ123."



The Snoball API uses API keys to authenticate requests. You can view and manage your API keys in the Dashboard, Admin Controls / API & Webhooks page. Your API keys carry many privileges, so be sure to keep them secure! Do not share your secret API keys in publicly accessible areas such as GitHub, client-side code, and so forth. Authentication to the API is performed via bearer auth, use -H "Authorization: Bearer 3|9Y4SV4mqBXQLzfxWHtZ8wQz5okF6ncM9bi8DNlXF".

Bearer 3|9Y4SV4mqBXQLzfxWHtZ8wQz5okF6ncM9bi8DNlXF

Review Request

Trigger a review request on behalf of the company via any of the three channels (text, email, phone). Personalization with the sales rep is optional. Phone outreach can not be personalized.
customer_first_name required

First name of customer

customer_last_name required

Last name of customer

customer_phone required

Phone number of customer

customer_zip required

Zip code of customer

customer_email required

Email of customer

outreach_method required

Indicate what outreach method you want Snoball to lead with. Text, Email or Phone If Email, we will ONLY attempt an email If Text, we will reach out through text first and then email if not contacted over text If Phone, we will reach through phone first and then email if not contacted over the phone

requesting_user_email required

Email for the referral desk user on account. Snoball will provide this

tcpa_consent required

Value must be 'yes'. By putting 'yes' into this field you are confirming that this contact has given you express written consent to reach out to them over SMS and Email and you are in compliance with TCPA laws


First name of the sales rep who worked with the customer. Including this will personalize the outreach


Last name of the sales rep who worked with the customer. Including this will personalize the outreach


Email of sales rep


Unique ID from your CRM. This will be included in the Review Customer ID webhook


For the text outreach method, specify which template you want to send out. You can find the template ID in your account under Templates -> Review Requests. If no template is specified then it will send the default system template.

Review Request body
    "customer_first_name": "Ty",
    "customer_last_name": "Bates",
    "customer_phone": "+15005550006",
    "customer_zip": "90011",
    "customer_email": "[email protected]",
    "outreach_method": "text",
    "salesrep_first_name": "Leonardo",
    "salesrep_last_name": "Brown",
    "salesrep_email": "[email protected]",
    "requesting_user_email": "[email protected]",
    "tcpa_consent": "yes",
    "crm_id": "1000",
    "template_id": 13

Review Request Error Codes

Code Description

Review requested successfully.

  • All validation errors
  • Invalid outreach method.

Internal server error

Referral Request

Trigger a referral request on behalf of the company. These referrals will be generated by customers sending in contacts or sharing the company profile page where their friends can request more information. The personalization of the sales rep is optional. Requires Referral Module Subscription.
customer_first_name required

First name of customer

customer_last_name required

Last name of customer

customer_phone required

Phone number of customer

requesting_user_email required

Email for the referral desk user on account. Snoball will provide this

customer_email required

Email of customer

tcpa_consent required

Value must be 'yes'. By putting 'yes' into this field you are confirming that this contact has given you express written consent to reach out to them over SMS and Email and you are in compliance with TCPA laws


Zip code of the customer


Unique ID from your CRM. This will be included in the Referral Posting webhook


First name of the sales rep who worked with the customer. Including this will personalize the initial outreach


Last name of the sales rep who worked with the customer. Including this will personalize the initial outreach


Email of the sales rep who worked with the customer. This will be included with the Referral Posting payload and can be used to route the referral directly to the sales rep if you'd like


Specify which template you want to send out. You can find the template ID in your account under Templates -> Referral Requests. If no template is specified then it will send the default system template


The payout amount, in cents, for a qualified referral. If left blank, the request will use the payout set in admin controls in your account


The payout amount, in cents, for a qualified sale. If left blank, the request will use the payout set in admin controls in your account

Referral Request body
    "customer_first_name": "Chad",
    "customer_last_name": "Gates",
    "customer_email": "[email protected]",
    "customer_phone": "+15005550006",
    "requesting_user_email": "[email protected]",
    "crm_id": 1000,
    "salesrep_first_name": "Leonardo",
    "salesrep_last_name": "Brown",
    "salesrep_email": "[email protected]",
    "template_id": 1,
    "tcpa_consent": "yes",
    "qualified_referral_payout": 1000,
    "qualified_sale_payout": 5000

Referral Request Error Codes

Code Description

Referral requested successfully.


All validation errors

  • Referral admin controls have to set the send referrals to parameter.

You have reached your referral request limit for the year.


Internal server error


A request to a 3rd party API failed

  • Unable to send referral request. Please try again later.
  • Unable to create contact. Please try again later.

Referral is Qualified

Tell Snoball when a referral is qualified. Updates funnel reporting and triggers payout (if you have a referral payout setup in admin controls). Requires Referral Module Subscription.
bc_referral_id required

Unique ID from Snoball's system tied to that referral. This was included in the Referral Posting Payload


Let us know if a referral is qualified or not. If you pass false that will tell us it IS NOT qualified. If you pass true or leave it empty we'll assume it IS qualified.

Referral is Qualified body
    "bc_referral_id": "98796890-74bd-40bd-865e",
    "is_qualified": true

Referral is Qualified Error Codes

Code Description

Referral updated successfully.


Referral does not exist.

  • This bc_referral_id has already been marked as a qualified referral and contact has been notified.
  • This bc_referral_id has already been marked as a qualified referral.

All validation errors


Internal server error

Referral Became a Sale

Tell Snoball when a referral turns into a sale. Updates funnel reporting and triggers payout (f you have a sale payout setup in admin controls). Requires Referral Module Subscription.
bc_referral_id required

Unique ID from Snoball's system tied to that referral. This was included in the Referral Posting Payload


Let us know if a referral turned into a sale or not. If you pass false that will tell us it DID NOT become a sale. If you pass true or leave it empty we'll assume it DID turn into a sale

Referral Became a Sale body
    "bc_referral_id": "98796890-74bd-40bd-865e",
    "is_qualified": false

Referral Became a Sale Error Codes

Code Description

Referral updated successfully.


Referral does not exist.

  • This bc_referral_id has already been marked as a qualified sale and contact has been notified.
  • This bc_referral_id has already been marked as a qualified sale.

All validation errors


Internal server error

Send Message

Send a sms message to the specified phone number.
customer_first_name required

First name of customer

customer_last_name required

Last name of customer

customer_phone required

Phone number of customer

requesting_user_email required

Email for the referral desk user on account. Snoball will provide this

customer_email required

Email of customer

tcpa_consent required

Value must be 'yes'. By putting 'yes' into this field you are confirming that this contact has given you express written consent to reach out to them over SMS and Email and you are in compliance with TCPA laws

template_id required

Specify which template you want to send out. You can find the template ID in your account under Templates -> Messages


Zip code of the customer


Unique ID from your CRM. This will be included in the Referral Posting webhook

Send message body
    "customer_first_name": "Chad",
    "customer_last_name": "Gates",
    "customer_email": "[email protected]",
    "customer_phone": "+15005550006",
    "requesting_user_email": "[email protected]",
    "crm_id": 1000,
    "template_id": 1,
    "tcpa_consent": "yes"

Send Message Error Codes

Code Description

All validation errors

  • Referral admin controls have to set the send referrals to parameter.

Internal server error


A request to a 3rd party API failed

  • Unable to send sms message. Please try again later.
  • Unable to create contact. Please try again later.